As we enter into the Back to School and fall season we wanted to share a little bit about an organization (or two) we love. Operation Christmas Child is an organization that essentially gives gifts and hope to children around the world. These children are underprivileged and often forgotten. My own children make shoeboxes to send every year as we think it is important to show the kids that giving to others in more important than receiving gifts. We can use our resources of time, money and compassion to bless a child. Please look at Operation Christmas Child as a way to help spread love through the world with just a minutes and a few dollars.
One way we are encouraging others to participate in Operation Christmas Child is to hand make something for the shoebox. Handmade gifts touch the life of the child who receives them immensely. We wanted to offer a few suggestions of things children and adults could make to pack in their shoeboxes this year.
Our first idea is the Bean Bag kits we offer. It can be a great toy for a child of any age and can be make by children even just four years old. Next, we have our Mama and Babies panel. This kit includes all the fabric and instructions for four mamas and their eight babies combined. One mama and her two babies fits in the shoebox with room to spare so you can definitely include other gifts for the child. Then, there is our Windowsill Kitty which is a great small project for children to complete. Children love animals and these would be a prized possession by any gift receiver. Lastly, we have the Drawstring Bag. This kit could be used by boy and girls to hold their few prized possessions but more importantly, it could be one of the most beautiful things this child could ever own. Another thought we had for the drawstring bag is for older girls who have entered the realm of womanhood and need a place to store their personal/feminine items so they are concealed in a beautiful way. What better way to bless a child than to help them be graceful and to feel truly loved. Whether you purchase these kits from us or come up with something on your own, please consider making something with your skills for these beautiful children.
Just one more note…We are an official alliance partner with American Heritage Girls. This organization has a goal of stuffing 22,000 shoeboxes this year…whoa! It is an incredible goal and I know it will be met. The four kits we have suggested, when purchased through our website or in our shop are eligible for the 5% giveback program with AHG. For every kit purchased with the ‘AHG’ tag in the name, 5% goes directly back to AHG.
We hope you will consider making something beautiful for these children as the holiday season approaches.
Want to know more about Operation Christmas Child and how to get involved, just click the link…
Want to know more about American Heritage Girls, just click the link…